"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lively, whatever is admirable-If anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."  -Philippians 4:8-9

Some of you that will read this were sitting in that same service. Indian Falls Creek, Last service, Thursday night... Were you there? I was there and I heard God use Mike Keahbone to preach one of those messages that will forever stick with me. It was something I had been struggling with since our youth group at church kind of got put on the back-burner so to speak. I know God wanted me to invest in our young people here more. But I waited for someone else to see what God was showing me. God shows you things for a reason right? He shows you because He wants YOU to do it!

God I've got too many other things to focus on. I don't know how to start that. Someone else has got this. These were some of my thoughts. But When I heard that message, I knew it was God letting me know I still want you to do this. So here we are. We've been meeting for 2 weeks with our new youth small group.

I want to invite your young people, your kids, grandkids... Whoever. We're meeting Sundays at 5pm. The purpose? To get our young people together and teach them they have an important role in the church. Not only are they our future, they are the church right now. We don't have to wait until we're old to serve in the church, we have those opportunities right now...Today. Our young people can get this idea that church is where you go on Sunday, that's it. But the truth is the Bible says the church is ALIVE...LIVING... A building isn't living. Church is our community of believers supporting, encouraging, living life TOGETHER. So if you have children in your family that need that community of believers to encourage them, bring them to church Sunday evenings at 5. You can come together Sunday mornings at 11 also.

Our first meeting was coming up with a name for our youth ministry. Our young people chose IMPACT. In short, it means "Influencing My Peers As a Christian Teen." That's what we want to do... Have an IMPACT on the world around us. We want to live boldly for THE LORD. If you want to be apart of it, or even help ol' pastor Josh love on some of these young folks come join us. Sunday evenings at 5pm.

One last "disclosure." We're not experts. We don't know how this whole youth ministry thing looks or works. But we are trusting God to work it out. We believe "Where He leads...He Feeds." We'll keep looking to Him for all our needs. Much love. Pray for us!