Immokalee First Seminole Baptist Church was incorporated in 2012. This church is the result of many prayers from Seminole elders and leaders desiring to have a place on the reservation where people could come together and worship our Living God.


Thank you for allowing us to present you with a little taste of Immokalee First Seminole Baptist Church. Our church is a wonderful haven for anyone looking for a place of joy, love, and fulfillment. Every Sunday our church is filled with normal people, just like you, who come finding a place to learn and grow spiritually. The greatest concern of our church is that everyone have the opportunity to know how to go to heaven and how to become committed followers of Jesus Christ. Seminole Baptist is open to everyone regardless of background or ethnicity. It doesn’t matter where we come from, what matters is where we’re going.

At First Seminole, we do not claim to have all the answers or be able to provide everything your soul is longing for. But we are followers of the One who does claim to be "The Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14:6)... the One whom the Bible claims "holds all things together" (Colossians 1:17)... the One who said that His mission was to "seek and to save the lost" (Luke 19:10)... the One who told us that He is "making all things new" (Revelation 21:5). Jesus does not claim to offer you an easy life. But He does say that when your life is lived in Him and through Him that it will be the most fulfilling life possible.

We would love to have you in one of our services very soon.


Pastor Josh LeadingFox & Family

Pastor Josh and Lyndsey have 5 children, Daughters Layla, Ava, Mila, and Jemma and Son, JJ.

Pastor Josh LeadingFox spent most of his life in his hometown of Pawnee, Oklahoma. He grew up attending Pawnee Indian Baptist Church under the leadership of Duane Pratt and sons, Bruce Pratt and Jr. Pratt. Pastor Josh was saved in 1996 at Indians Falls Creek Baptist Assembly in Oklahoma and remained active in his home church until his graduation from Pawnee High School in 2002. He was a state champion wrestler and was blessed to receive a wrestling scholarship to the University of Central Oklahoma where he was a 2X All-American and was part of 2 National Championship wrestling teams. He graduated in 2007.

While in college, he surrendered his life to the call of preaching ministry in 2005. He served as Associate Pastor at First Indian Baptist Church of Edmond, Oklahoma. Pastor Josh was called to Immokalee First Seminole Baptist Church in July of 2011. He believes the Bible is God Breathed, Inspired, and without Error. He preaches against sin, but preaches love for the sinner.

He married his wife Lyndsey in 2007 and they have five beautiful children, Layla, Ava, Mila, Jemma, and Joshua Jr.

His favorite verse is Romans 8:37-39

“It has been such a huge blessing to be a part of what God is doing at Immokalee First Seminole. We hope that you can come join us and we can grow together.”


Worship Leader- Sandra Miller

Sandra moved from her hometown of Clinton, NC to Immokalee, FL in 1966. She attended Immokalee High School, and worked at several businesses in the Immokalee area; from “butcher” to “Banker”.Sandra was raised in a Christian home but did not make Jes…

Sandra moved from her hometown of Clinton, NC to Immokalee, FL in 1966. She attended Immokalee High School, and worked at several businesses in the Immokalee area; from “butcher” to “Banker”.

Sandra was raised in a Christian home but did not make Jesus Christ her personal Savior until the age of 21.

“My passion for music developed at an early age”, says Sandra. “Sunday afternoons were spent with family and extended family, (about 20 voices strong) all gathered around the piano…everyone singing or playing an instrument”, she added. Sandra learned to play the piano by watching her aunt, who was blind and had taught herself how to play.

In August of 2010, Sandra was invited to Immokalee First Seminole Baptist Church to help out with the music for one Sunday morning and Sunday evening service. “God just continued to draw me back to this church every Sunday”, she said; “I know without a doubt that Immokalee First Seminole Baptist Church is where God has called me to serve using the talent He has given me. It has been such a joy to see how God has expanded our music ministry here.”

One of Sandra’s favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11


11:00 AM- Morning Worship


                         6:30PM- Bible Study