
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:36

Perseverance is a strong word and most of the time, a stronger lesson to learn.  The simplest definition of the word is this: When the easiest thing to do is quit...DON'T.

I came across the picture above the other day and it took me back. This was our first Christmas here in Immokalee. It was just the beginning of our ministry here. It's always good to remember where you started, as well as where you are today. But it's always good to remember the process that brought it all together. There are good things that happen and they grow us, there are also bad things that happen and they grow us... If we allow them to.

That's the thing about perseverance, it's our choice. We can let the bad things spoil us, or sour us. Or, we can let them be used to grow us and challenge us. The choice is ours. Jesus tells us, "In this world you will have trouble..." It's a guarantee. Put it on your calendar, stamp it on your forehead, TROUBLE WILL COME! The rest of Jesus' statement is... "BUT take heart! I have overcome the world." When the trouble comes, don't run anywhere else, run to Jesus! We can overcome, because HE overcame!

My mom and dad raised me on some 80's hair-band music. We used to listen to it all the time riding to wrestling tournaments and such. There was this band called Poison. They sang one of the greatest songs of the 80's, it was called "Every Rose Has It's Thorn." I never gave that little lyric much thought, until I had to persevere. Think about it, every rose does have a thorn. We can choose which one to focus on. The rose or the thorn. To persevere, focus on the rose, the beauty of your situation. The beauty is that God will give me strength during my weakest times. He will give me a peace that'll leave me scratching my head. That's the beautiful thing about God, He is there with us in the middle of the storm. He wants to use the storm, Let Him!

Or you can focus on the Thorn. Too many people focus on the thorn. That's all they think about and that's all they'll ever remember. Many people have given up, focusing on the thorn and how bad it hurts and how ugly it is. Focusing on the thorn is like staying stuck in the past, like spinning your wheels in a mud puddle. I heard this week, "Don't be a prisoner of your past: it was a life lesson, not a life sentence." Shift your eyes from the thorn to the rose. Step out of your past and know that God has a perfect plan for you and even the situation you find yourself in.

This got long, real quick... But let me finish, one thing I have learned about perseverance... The key to persevering is relationships. Cultivate the good relationships in your life, the ones that bring you closer to The Lord. You can't do this on your own. Depend on God. Depend, also, on those He has put in your life. Maybe that's your spouse, your kids, your friend, prayer partner, or whoever. Get with them and pray together... Encourage one another. We need each other. I pray God gives you peace about your situation. Remember, when the easy thing to do is quit... DON'T!